Talent Management

Harness the power of the Employee Experience to recruit, develop and retain top talent.

As organisations globalise, employers are competing for top talent on an international scale. Retaining high performers is a universal challenge. Staff turnover is costly and uses valuable resources to find and train new employees.

Amidst stubbornly high unemployment, companies still confront challenges filling skilled positions requiring scarce skills.

Moreover, Industry 4.0 is impacting every aspect of business operations, including talent management.

Talent management is the planning, attracting, retention and development of human capital to execute the business strategy. The contemporary approach to talent management also underlines the Employee Experience

Employee Experience can be broken down into milestones on the employee journey: candidacy (including the application, interview and hiring process), onboarding, training, development, evaluation and promotion, exiting, and the alumni experience.

Historical approaches to talent management often fail to provide a competitive advantage to the contemporary business.  Talent management strategies now need to be global in scale, but still agile enough to effectively recruit, train and develop people locally.

Modern talent management is a networked, customisable system with individuals at the centre.

Today’s talent management strategy not only zooms in on the employee lifecycle but also relooks this perceived lifespan altogether.

The capability to deploy – and redeploy – human capital as opportunities arise and dissipate is a critical differentiator. Additionally, reassigning top talent into new prospects altogether breathes new life into the employee lifecycle.

Our extensive experience and customised solutions allow us to design a strategic talent strategy for our clients; the main aim is to deliver business outcomes. We place a key focus on understanding, measuring, and improving workforce productivity by:

  • Identifying the critical roles required to deliver on an evolving business agenda
  • Helping our clients ensure the best talent with the right skills is dynamically matched to those roles.
  • Making the leadership team aware of the roles driving the most significant value to establish a strong pipeline of qualified succession candidates for critical roles.
  • Drawing on the power of data analytics, such as our talent match solution, which allows clients to identify and define roles, compile succession inventories, and match talent to positions with the ease and speed of a swipe.