Leadership Development

Our Elite LeaderTM Profile facilitates fast-tracked growth for the contemporary business leader.

Companies increasingly depend on multidisciplinary teams that combine their collective capabilities to reach business goals.  High-performing organisations operate as empowered networks. Hierarchies are being replaced by a matrix of teams, creating agile workplaces.

However, merely casting a mix of individuals together doesn’t guarantee high performance. A new type of leadership is the catalyst towards coagulating a group of people into high-functioning elite teams.

The traditional business model belongs to the past. High-performing leaders need different abilities and proficiencies than in previous generations.

Themes such as inclusion, fairness, social responsibility, and leading in a network were not part of the leadership manifesto a decade ago. Digitisation and Artificial Intelligence are topics which were unfathomable a century ago.

Nevertheless, many businesses continue to operate according to industrial-age models that are 100 years old, weighed down by legacy practices and an outdated approach to leadership.

Prominent studies confirm that the contemporary approach of inclusive leadership directly enhances performance and increases engagement. An inclusive leadership direction distinguishes itself by six traits: visible commitment, humility, awareness of bias, curiosity about others, cultural intelligence and effective collaboration.   

Inclusive leaders transform their organisations and encourage experimentation while being comfortable with disruption.

Moreover, their non-linear approach activates a culture of lateral thinking and experimentation. This culture encourages team participants to connect and engage,  infusing creativity and energy.

While some leaders need more assistance than others, most will benefit from a programme that purposefully highlights blind spots and potential areas of improvement.

Drawing on our extensive research and experience working with teams, Human Interest has developed the Elite LeaderTM Profile – our proprietary leadership framework that encapsulates the 15 competencies required to lead the modern organisation to greatness.

We follow a phased approach to the development and implementation of tailored solutions to leadership concerns. Our knowledgeable team will pave the way towards an integrated leadership approach by:

  • Providing each director with an individual profile analysis, linked to the Elite LeaderTM Profile, which forms the foundation of our Leadership Development offering.
  • Following a systematic approach to ensure our programmes are contextual and measurable.
  • Monitoring the impact of leadership development at an individual, team and organisational level.